About Us
We have a group of qualified and experienced aviation professionals, with a vast operational knowledge, in order to provide you the best solution to your everyday cargo needs.
Safety and Security are our priorities.
Skyloading footprint:
– Places where we set foot. – New bases and protocols.
About Us
We have a group of qualified and experienced aviation professionals, with a vast operational knowledge, in order to provide you the best solution to your everyday cargo needs.
Ready to assist you anywhere and anytime.
. Our Travel partner is the largest and most experienced Aviation Industry Travel Agency, over 30 years in this space.
. Trusted by the largest 135, Fractional, Cargo, FBO and Flight Training operators in the world.
. Significant savings on American Airlines tickets and 30+ more airlines, discounts exclusively for 135/Fractional carriers and not available anywhere else.
– Include both refundable and non-refundable fares, full points, positive spaces, business and coach, domestic and international.
– Clients see at least 15% savings immediately after switching to us.
. FBO and Training focused Hotel program with 300+ airport properties and 50,000 other properties.
– Hotel rate discounts at major chains and smaller properties.
– Full points
– Variety of unique rates for included breakfast, shuttles, and same day cancel.
. Automatic tracking and management for unused tickets/no-shows.
. Full reporting capability to manage travel purchasing, assess savings, track crew movement and more.
. Online booking tool and mobile app, fully staffed 24/7 call centre for support and emergencies.
. 24H voiding period.
Airports visited
– Flight plan with live/historical winds (CFP). – Route study for commercial purposes. – Route costs optimization taking into account fuel tankering and overflights. – ETOPS flight plan. – ATC Flight plan coordination. – CFMU slot coordination. – Terrain avoidance. – Airports, weather, and NOTAM analysis. – Flight Watch.
Request more information
If you need any information please contact us: